Supporting your patients with stress, anxiety and depression
Updated November 2023
The options below are for patients who are experiencing problems with anxiety (including OCD) and/or depression or low mood or are feeling stressed. The great majority of patients will benefit from one of these options.
If your patient has severe or long term problems, including psychosis or bipolar disorder, or complex problems related to abusive or distressing experiences in childhood or to assault or traumatic experiences in adulthood, then please refer them to your local Community Mental Health Team (details below). Patients can access a range of support via the CMHT, including psychological therapy if appropriate.
So for patients who are experiencing problems with anxiety, depression, low mood or stress a first option is to look at information on Moodcafe ( which can help your patients. Moodcafe has a range of resources for you to discuss with patients and has links to many additional sources of advice and support. Moodcafe also gives information about the Fife Book Prescription Scheme (self help books selected by Fife psychology Department and available from all Fife libraries).
As a next option, you have the choice to book your patients directly onto Step on Stress (a CBT course to teach people to manage anxiety and stress) or Back on Track (a CBT course to help people overcome depression and low mood). Or you can refer them (via SCI gateway) to our suite of CBT modules through SilverCloud
SilverCloud programmes available for referral are:
Wellbeing – Self Referral Programmes
- Space from COVID-19
- Space for Resilience
- Space for Sleep
- Space from Stress
Wellbeing – Referred Programmes
- Space from COVID-19 (additional Modules)
We also have programmes available for people suffering from mental health issues related to various Long Term Chronic Conditions:
Referred Programmes
- Space in Lung Conditions from Depression and Anxiety
- Space in Rheumatoid Arthritis from Depression
- Space in Diabetes from low Mood and Anxiety
- Space in Coronary Heart Disease from Depression and Anxiety
- Space in Chronic Pain form low mood and anxiety
The above 5 programmes will be of benefit to people experiencing psychological problems related to their physical health condition. They have been shown to improve both mental health and self management of the underlying long-term condition.
Mental Health – Referred Programmes
- Space from Anxiety
- Space from Anxiety and Depression if you have Diabetes
- Space from Depression
- Space from Depression and Anxiety
- Space from Generalised Anxiety Disorder
- Space from OCD
- Space from Panic
- Space from Phobia
- Space from Social Anxiety
Family/Teenager – Self Referral Programmes
- Supporting an Anxious Child
- Supporting and Anxious Teenager
Family/Teenager – Referred Programmes
- Space for Perinatal Wellbeing
- Space from Anxiety for Teens
Student Wellbeing – Self Referral Programmes
- Space for Money Worries
- Space from Positive Body Image
- Space for Resilience
- Space from Stress
(Referral process via SCI Gateway)
You can also give them an AT Fife prescription (see below) for them to take away and consider options.
You can also direct patients to book an assessment to consider Change Up which is relevant to a range of problems such as generalised anxiety, panic attacks and OCD (details of how to do this are on the Change Up page). If the outcome of the assessment is that Change Up is not suitable, your patient will be directed to speak to you again about other sources of help.
You can still refer patients to the Psychology service using SCI gateway if you believe that none of the options outlined above are suitable and/or your patient has completed one or more of them previously.
At present most of our groups are still running online.
Women’s Justice Team
The Women’s Justice Team works with women involved in the criminal justice system. Using a multi disciplinary, multi-agency approach, the Women’s Justice Team aims to effectively address the often complex needs of women who have come into the criminal justice system, with a view to reducing their risk of re-offending. Particular areas of support include mental and physical health, trauma and relationships in addition to core needs such as finance and housing. The team also offers support to service users to engage with appropriate health and social care teams and third sector agencies.
Who are the Women’s Justice Team?
The team consists of Social Workers, SACRO Women’s mentoring service, housing support and dedicated NHS Fife health staff, including a Clinical Psychologist, Assistant Psychologist, Mental Health Liaison Nurse and administration support.
How do I contact the WJT?
Health professionals in the WJT can be contacted by email on
Referrals to health professionals in the WJT can only be completed by a Social Worker from the team. Unfortunately we cannot accept referrals from any other source.