Coronavirus – Healthcare Worker Information

Looking after yourself: supporting resilience and wellbeing in health and social care workers

Many health and social care workers are likely to feel stressed and under enormous pressure during this outbreak – this is perfectly natural and indeed is a reaction to a very abnormal set of circumstances.

The document, NHS Fife Staff Wellbeing during COVID-19 please  click here provides guidance for NHS Fife staff about local support available and suggests some easy-to-follow practical suggestions for coping at this difficult time.  There is also a section with FAQ

Useful Posters

The following graphics illustrate the above ideas and may be worth bearing in mind or printing out and putting up a copy in your place of work.

Stress Coping & Resilience please click here

“Going Home Checklist” – please click here  a poster which can be used to encourage reflection and mindfulness at the end of a working day.

Please look at the resources below.

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