Glow: An anxiety management resource for primary school age children (8 years-11 years)
What is it?
Glow is an online anxiety management resource accessed through a mobile phone app.
Glow consists of seven online modules (three for parents, and four for children). Each module contains videos which have been designed to help parents and children understand and respond to childhood anxiety. To facilitate learning, Glow will also provide you and your child with workbooks and home tasks.
Parents are invited to attend and interactive parent session once they have completed the three parent modules. The interactive session is an opportunity for parents to ask clinicians questions on anxiety management strategies. We recommend you work through the parent modules over six weeks, and then attend one of our live interactive sessions before starting the child modules.
What does each module involve?
How will this help me?
Course Content
Parent/Carer Modules
The first modules are for parents and/or primary care givers. These modules are designed to build parents’ knowledge and confidence in applying evidenced based strategies to reduce childhood anxiety, and increase positive emotion regulation skills.
Managing Anxiety: Provides parents with knowledge of what maintains childhood anxiety, and ways to support children to break out of anxious cycles.
Emotion Regulation: This module focuses on how children develop emotion regulation skills. Parents will learn about the importance of parenting in helping recognise and cope with feelings of anxiety and worry.
Building Your Child’s Self-Esteem: This module focuses on building children’s self-esteem through positive parenting techniques.
Child Modules
The child modules are designed to be fun and involve school child characters who turn into ‘Team Glow’ superheroes when they get worried. It is important that you support your child in the use of the content.
The Challenger: The Challenger will teach children strategies to challenge worrying thoughts.
Captain Calm: Captain Calm will teach children some relaxation exercises which, with practise and your support, can become a skill they hold to help manage their own anxiety.
The Detective: The Detective will teach your child how to look for clues in their body that help them notice when they are feeling anxious.
The Adventurer: The Adventurer will teach children how to gradually face their fears so they avoid missing out on the things they want to do.