Step on Stress
What is it?
Step on Stress is a three week online course which provides you with strategies for reducing stress, anxiety and panic and boosting self-esteem.
Step on Stress teaches techniques from cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) – a psychological therapy that focuses on the relationships between thoughts (cognitions), behaviours and feelings. CBT is proven to be effective for managing stress, reducing anxiety and improving self-esteem.
This course involves a blend of three online group sessions teaching the core concepts of stress reduction and workbooks for each session which develop and build on the main ideas. The group sessions are lecture-style live presentations delivered by NHS Fife psychology assistants. This is not group therapy so you will not be asked to share your experiences or to speak in front of others, just sit back, listen and take it all in.
This course is currently being run online.
Click here for the video
What does each session involve?
How will this help me?
Course Content
For best results, try to join every session so you don’t miss any important information. Each session is roughly an hour and a half with a short break in the middle.
Manage your Stress: This session introduces common signs of stress and what things can make stress stick around. This session will help you to understand your personal stress pattern. You will be given some tips for tackling your stress that you can take on board straight away.
Manage your Body: How does stress and anxiety make your body react? Lots of people have physical symptoms of stress and anxiety such as racing heart, churning stomach and lots of tension in the body. This session will focus on the physical effects of stress and anxiety and ways to deal with it. It also covers ways to really relax yourself. You will be able to use these relaxation techniques in your own time by listening to the guided recordings on our Moodcafe website.
Manage your Mind: This session focuses on unhelpful ways of thinking. You will be given techniques to help you to get on top of worrying and unhelpful negative thoughts that can get in the way of your life.