Parent Awareness Programme for Autism Spectrum

What is it?

PAPAS is a group for parents of children aged 3 to 16 years with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder which is  run over 6 weekly sessions, each 2 hours in length.  The group is run by Psychology and Speech and Language Therapy.

The group is for parents who would like to gain a greater understanding of how their child is experiencing the world.

Groups are organised around the age of the child, with parents of younger/older children grouped together and provides an opportunity to connect with other parents/carers who also have autistic children.

The group covers topics including adapting the sensory world, adjusting our communication and managing behaviour.

What does each session involve?

  • Each session will be 2 hours in length.

  • Each session provides a mix of the NHS Professionals sharing ideas to support families and an opportunity for individuals to talk and share personal experiences.

  • Courses are currently being run online.

  • The slides presented will be sent out by email after each session.

How will this help me?

  • Offer support to further understand the needs of your autistic child.

  • Social supports – peer learning opportunities, reassurance and empathy

  • Provides an opportunity to share experiences and problem solve with other parents

  • You can attend with another parent or carer (grandparent/friend) to consider your child’s needs together

Course Content

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