Assertiveness Class
What is it?
We know how busy life can be at times so we wrote our Assertiveness class to make sure we could fit it all into one session. This one-off class provides you with the opportunity to learn what it means to be assertive and ways to become more assertive in your daily life.
Please note that due to COVID-19 this course is currently run online.
Click here for the video
What does the session involve?
How will this help me?
Course Content
The class is roughly an hour and a half with a short break in the middle.
Part 1 provides an introduction to different communication styles and what it means to be assertive. The class uses videos to demonstrate different styles of communication and the pros and cons of each type.
Part 2 focuses on two specific areas that people find difficult: saying ‘No’ and dealing with criticism. We also provide tips on how you can practice these techniques in your daily life.