Support for my wellbeing

Resources for your mental, physical and financial wellbeing
Resources for carers
Resources for poor sleep, stress, anxiety and low mood

Talk to someone

Psychological Therapy
Spiritual Care
NHS Fife Occupational Health
Peer Support
Fife Council
National Wellbeing Helpline
Our Frontline
Breathing Space
Information to help support my team button

Information for Managers

How to best support your staff and build a stronger team
Compassionate Leadership programme

Talking to someone | Psychological Therapy

Where people feel persistently distressed and notice an impact of this distress on their day to day lives and/or relationships – it can sometimes be helpful to receive psychological therapy.

To self refer for Psychological Therapies

The NHS Fife Psychology Department has a dedicated Psychological Therapies team for staff  who work in Fife and who directly provide or enable NHS or social care services – including third sector and independent care home staff.

If you feel you would benefit from receiving psychological therapy – you can self refer by completing the form below.  A member of Staff Psychology Service will be in touch shortly.  All therapy is confidential.

For more immediate support:
If you feel you need more immediate support – you can access this in a number of different ways – by contacting:
  1. Your GP
  2. NHS24 by phoning 111 or visit Surviving Suicidal Thoughts – NHS inform
  3. Or in an emergency – call 999.
  4. Breathing Space by phoning 0800 83 85 87
  5. Samaritans by phoning 116 123
  6. The National Wellbeing Helpline 0800 1114191

Psychological Therapies Self Referral Form

Staff who work in Fife and who directly provide or enable NHS or social care services – including third sector and independent care home staff are eligible for the Staff Psychology Service.

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